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On 6/14/14 9:01 PM, Sheldon Ranz wrote:
Israel Shamir published an article, "The Fateful Triangle", in this
weekend's edition of Counterpunch.  Here is the relevant passage:

"US Jews are divided on the Ukraine, as they were divided on Palestine.
Friends of Palestine, people with a strong anti-imperialist record and
sound knowledge of East European history – Noam Chomsky and Stephen F.
Cohen — recognised and renounced the US attempt to sustain their
hegemony by keeping brazen Russia down. A subset of people, Gilad Atzmon
aptly called AZZ (anti-zionist zionists), Trots and other faux-Leftist
shills for NATO like Louis Proyect – called for American intervention
and brayed for Russian blood."

Shamir is so discredited that I should take this as a compliment. I generally ignore all the "anti-imperialist" articles on CounterPunch, especially anything written by Shamir.

In terms of my calls for "American intervention", this is just another symptom of the intellectual degradation of this milieu. I have never called for American intervention anywhere in the world. People like Shamir deduce that because I wrote articles attacking Putin, Gaddafi, and al-Assad. It doesn't matter to Shamir that I didn't call for intervention. He just goes ahead and says it. Who cares if it is true or not?

This is what you would expect from someone with a real animosity toward the left. If you go to his website (http://www.israelshamir.net) and click "The Left", you will find some really hair-raising items like "The Marxists and the Lobby" that makes the case for Lyndon Larouche, a guy who used to send his cult followers to break up CP meetings in NYC with nunchucks and then went on to build alliances with the KKK, met with Reagan staffers, etc.

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