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On 7/26/14 11:38 AM, Marv Gandall via Marxism wrote:
The country is sharply divided along ethnic, religious, political, and to some 
extent class lines, and the US and EU have arguably done more to provoke the 
crisis than has Russia.

No, Marvin. The crisis has existed ever Catherine the Great. It is a crisis first and foremost over Ukraine's status as an oppressed nation. It matters little that the Kyiv government is run by pro-EU oligarchs who have appointed Svoboda or Right Sector members to one or another post. The ordinary people who took to the streets in November 2013 were opposing oligarchic rule. They were smart enough to know that Tymoshenko et al did not represent them any more than Yanukovych did. Despite your fancy footwork to prove that you were opposed to both the EU and Russia, it is obvious to anybody who follows your interventions here that you were on the side of Kagarlitsky et al.

Marvin Gandall: "Kagarlitsky's continuing analysis of the contending forces has been superb." (http://article.gmane.org/gmane.politics.marxism.marxmail/176678/)

What a disgrace.
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