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On 7/26/14 1:52 PM, Marv Gandall wrote:
For these reasons it is not deserving of the kind of uncritical and 
unconditional support you and others have extended to it.

Actually most of what I write has little to do with "support" of any kind. As has been the case since the Arab Spring began, I am much more interested in cutting through the bullshit I keep seeing over and over again, much of it inspired by Russian and Iranian TV that the left in Britain and the USA sucks up to.

When a thousand articles were written to praise Qaddafi's resistance to AFRICOM, I took the trouble to go to the AFRICOM website and find documentation on the Libyan military's bromance with AFRICOM.

When the left jumped on board the Baathist express, I made a point of tracking down all the articles that showed the mutual interests the White House and Syria had, starting with the CIA rendition program that landed men (sometimes innocent) in Syrian dungeons to be tortured for months on end.

After going through 4 years of wading through the latrines on Libya and Syria, I was all set to be on the lookout for the same sorts of things going on with Ukraine. It staggers the mind to see the pure crap that gets written by Kagarlitsky, Stephen F. Cohen, and Robert Parry. I feel like the guy in coveralls with a broom following the elephants in the parade.
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