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On 7/26/14 12:01 PM, Vladimiro Giacche' wrote:

Unfortunately, this list for most users is useful only because of the 
occasionally linked articles with a few words of comment.

Hundred of thousands of words aren't so useful.

Particularly when they are mostly devoted, as unfortunately often occurs also 
in this list, not to theoretically relevant questions, but on geopolitical 
issues and - which is worst - are aimed to explain that Ghaddafi, Assad, now 
perhaps Putin are to overthrown.
Without caring of what really happened in Libya (where a state was simply destroyed by 
NATO), in Syria (where the same is happening thanks to the "insurgents" paid 
from US and the notoriously marxists in power in Saudi Arabia), and in Kiew (Nazis in 
power, massacre in odessa, bombing of civilians in the east, illegalisation of the 
communist party  and so on, the treaty  with the UE that split the country [the former 
president of the European Commission Prodi - not a marxist indeed - admitted and 
reproached it!], the NATO continuing expansion toward the East in a Wehrmacht-like 
strategy, etc etc). Only about Gaza I recently read more equilibrated views.

And now I read that someone should write more...

Of course they should write more. You just attempted to analyze global conflicts in 50 words. I would be embarrassed to make such an attempt. But I imagine that it must be tough for you to be subbed here when your sympathies are obviously with Stalinism. In a way, it is too bad that the A-List disappeared (at least I think it did) when servers got switched at the U. of Utah. It was a place where you could read 35 messages a day about how evil NATO was and how beneficent China was, especially through its lifting up the Dark Continent. I imagine that it must be tough for Stalinists to start something up on the Internet. That's the price of 90 years of ideological conformity, I suppose. It is much easier to rely on what party bosses told you was right

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