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On 11/11/14 1:05 PM, Joseph Catron wrote:
That's your basis for claiming that the US government sees the FSA as a
bunch of dirty commies?

The USA is absolutely opposed to democratic revolutions as well as socialist revolutions. It has a class interest in bourgeois democracy or bourgeois dictatorships just as long as the bourgeoisie is in the driver's seat. It seeks a stable environment for investments primarily. Until the Arab Spring hit Syria, there was every likelihood that the Baathists would become a reliable partner because of its neoliberal policies. Unlike so many on the left who never bothered to read a newspaper, I took the trouble to read about the USA and Syria prior to March 2011. If it hadn't been for those inconvenient protests, the process indicated below would have born fruit. From July 4, 2009 NYT:

The Obama administration has been wooing Syria. The administration is sending an American ambassador to Damascus after a four-year break caused by accusations of Syrian involvement in terrorism. Mr. Obama’s Middle East envoy, George Mitchell, became the highest-level American official to visit Damascus since 2005, and he acknowledged Syria’s significance, saying that it had a central role to play in forging a Mideast peace.

In a separate interview with Sky News, Mr. Assad’s wife, Asma, said she believed that the Syrian and American leaders could work together.

“The fact that President Obama is young — well, President Assad is also very young as well — so maybe it is time for these young new leaders to make a difference in the world,” she said.

I could start listing reasons the US might not want Syria to become a
failed state on a par with Libya and not finish for a while.

I always get a chuckle out of this sort of thing. The USA intervened in Libya in order to turn it into a client state like Panama after Bush invaded to get rid of Noriega. Those ornery Libyans don't know how to behave like proper puppets.

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