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The level of myopia flagged by some of the purists who seek to
denigrate Klein's perspective amazes me.

The ready penchant for 'one solution/revolution' is just indulgent
phrase mongering. The core question that Klein's book asks is what are
we going to do? and  how are we going to do it?

Asks...that's it's main contribution given that capitalism is THE problem.

That's the debate, the discussion right there. Now if we have an
agreement that the problem IS CAPITALISM  then we are way way ahead in
the green movement -- ideologically -- than we've been for yonks.

To argue that Klein isn't up to the task (whereas we Marxists are)
merely serves to marginalise the socialist revolutionary left. The
fact is that the Marxist left generally IS NOT up to the task because
it treats climate change as a sideline issue.

So what does that confront us with, what sort of program do we need to
generate  and promote?

"You gotta have a revolution or else!' is not that program. In effect
a good bit of that essential program is embedded in Klein's book. She
may skirt some of the DIY but at least she has the guts to argue that
we are being screwed because of what is generic to  capitalism.

I think  Richard Smith's "Climate Crisis, the Deindustrialization
Imperative and the Jobs vs. Environment Dilemma" is an excellent
response to Klein, but even there he is standing on her shoulders, so
to speak, and using her POV to advance the discussion.


Theres' this whole new discussion opening up that seeks to transcend
the social democratic program being proffered by the green parties
because these reformist greens are wedded to capitalism. Indeed, the
penny is dropping that they are -- or may indeed be --part of the
problem and NOT the solution.

Klein's book is reflective of that.

dave riley
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