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On 2/7/15 2:23 PM, Ron J wrote:
But this is about a lot more than the concerns of the average Ukrainian. Those 
concerns merely make it easier for the US supported government to manipulate 
Ukrainians to war.

Funny thing here.

Kim Scipes wrote about this stuff a few days ago (http://www.commondreams.org/views/2015/02/06/us-ukraine-and-russia-what-went-wrong), giving his nod to John Mearsheimer, the U. of Chicago "realist":

->Mearsheimer labeled Russia’s response "highly understandable." Russia made clear this situation was "categorically unacceptable." He said that if we wanted a good analogy, we should look at the US response to the Soviet Union’s placement of missiles in Cuba in 1962 or even the Monroe Doctrine itself, which he described as telling other world powers to stay out of "our neighborhood," the entire Western Hemisphere.<-

That this appalling analogy has so much traction with the left makes me all the more committed to my stand on Ukraine. Think about it. Mearsheimer says that Russia has just as much right to control what happens on its borders or nearby as the USA had in Cuba. What kind of left can read this horseshit and pat itself on the back that an establishment figure has come over to "our side". In reality, it is the left that has gone over to his side and don't you ever forget it.

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