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Poor analogy and as meaningless as the argument that the US client regime is 
all fascist.  

On Feb 7, 2015, at 5:45 PM, Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com> wrote:

> On 2/7/15 2:23 PM, Ron J wrote:
>> But this is about a lot more than the concerns of the average Ukrainian. 
>> Those concerns merely make it easier for the US supported government to 
>> manipulate Ukrainians to war.
> Funny thing here.
> Kim Scipes wrote about this stuff a few days ago 
> (http://www.commondreams.org/views/2015/02/06/us-ukraine-and-russia-what-went-wrong),
>  giving his nod to John Mearsheimer, the U. of Chicago "realist":
> ->Mearsheimer labeled Russia’s response "highly understandable." Russia made 
> clear this situation was "categorically unacceptable." He said that if we 
> wanted a good analogy, we should look at the US response to the Soviet 
> Union’s placement of missiles in Cuba in 1962 or even the Monroe Doctrine 
> itself, which he described as telling other world powers to stay out of "our 
> neighborhood," the entire Western Hemisphere.<-
> That this appalling analogy has so much traction with the left makes me all 
> the more committed to my stand on Ukraine. Think about it. Mearsheimer says 
> that Russia has just as much right to control what happens on its borders or 
> nearby as the USA had in Cuba. What kind of left can read this horseshit and 
> pat itself on the back that an establishment figure has come over to "our 
> side". In reality, it is the left that has gone over to his side and don't 
> you ever forget it.

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