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Ed George via Marxism <marxism <at> lists.csbs.utah.edu> writes:

> The quote comes from 'Moralising Criticism and Critical Morality', in 
> the Lawrence and Wishart collected works, volume 5, pp. 312-40 (the 
> quote is on p. 320). The article is also here: 
> <https://marxists.anu.edu.au/archive/marx/works/1847/10/31.htm>. The 
> translation, both in the collected workds and in the MIA is:
> 'It is characteristic of the whole grobianism of “sound common sense”, 
> which feeds upon the “fullness of life” and does not stunt its natural 
> faculties with any philosophical or other studies, that where it 
> succeeds in seeing differences, it does not see unity, and that where it 
> sees unity, it does not see differences.'

Thank you very much!  Google tells me that "grobianism" refers to Saint 
Grobian, the patron saint of vulgar and coarse people. (Who knew they had 
their own saint?) So Ollman's translation of that as "crudity" is 
reasonable, and more understandable to folks like me who might find the 
reference obscure.


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