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On 11/07/2015 08:58 μμ, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

So what kind of party do we need? One that proclaims the need for
rupture? Such a party exists. Actually two of them exist: KKE and
Antarsya. But the support for them is negligible. The fact that only 5
percent of those voting "no" in the referendum expected that if such a
vote it would lead to a Grexit, either bourgeois or proletarian, is
something that the left has to grapple with. Indeed, the highest
preference according to party lines for leaving the eurozone is from
ANEL and Golden Dawn. Only 5 percent of Syriza voters expressed a desire
to leave the eurozone. Maybe the Greeks should consider Brecht's advice:
the government should dissolve the people and elect another.

On 7/11/15 1:37 PM, Thomas via Marxism wrote:
The naked about face of the Syriza regime is also a huge step forward
towards killing illusions that leftish reformist parties like Syriza,
or Podemos, have anything to offer Europe’s working classes, other
than more misery and disaster, and the political neutering of
tendencies who choose to walk into those swamps.

That is an important clarification. Hopefully, lesson learned.


The facts are stubborn things.
The referendum took place under these concrete conditions the week before 5th July: 1. The government which had call for a no vote was clear only to its ambivalence: They were begging the troika for a deal in order to call off the referendum and only after its refuse on Thursday did the referendum became certain, while the majority of SYRIZA's cadres and ministers had disappeared from the media, had made no declarations in favour of the no vote while some of them, like Mardas, had appeared only to declare that they would resign if greece would leave eurozone.

2. The banks were closed and the 1st of July was the pay day for a lot of people including pensioners. Keep in mind that pensioners support their unemployed children out of their miserable pensions. There are many households which have no other income than the pension of the grandfather or grandmother.

3. The whole EU's political personnel and the greek bourgeois parties were chanting in every possible tone that the question of the referendum was fake and that it was about leaving or not Eurozone and EU, while SYRIZA just pretending to claim that it was about a no more existent troika's proposition.

4. The whole media system including the public broadcaster ERT, which SYRIZA reopened, were threatening the public with the supposedly horrific consequences of the NO vote. "There will be no wages, no pensions. There will be no food nor medicines. There will be no oil and nothing wouldn't be imported". That's what they had been yielding during the week before 5th July.

5. The political forces which were consistently calling for a NO to austerity had won less than one per cent of support last January, while KKE was calling to a invalid vote.

6. In the middle of all this mess, the greek working class voted for NO at a percentage of 70-80%, resulting to an overall of 61,3% for the NO vote.The question of the referendum had been set by the class enemy and the answer was a clear no to austerity whatever it takes. And in that context "whatever" meant "including grexit".

Now, how on earth a couple of questions in a gallop like
a. For whom did you vote on January?
b. Would you expressed a desire for a grexit? (A slight impulse perhaps?)
and the supposed answers to these questions by a couple of hundreds of people, could reveal a "truth" that was not clear enough by the NO vote? How on earth a gallop can be taken seriously against the 61,3% of the NO vote, against a majority, especially in an unfavourable bourgeois ballot, who have answer YES to the question "do you reject austerity even if you risk a grexit?"

Yes. The facts are stubborn things. Even in front of fake facts like that gallop however accommodative it can be. After all however inefficient may be "the parties that proclaim the need of the rupture" they are not to be blamed for the bankruptcy of SYRIZA! Maybe they are not good enough, but for sure, a party like SYRIZA is not either. Checked out.


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