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I'm conflicted. I saw the video, and everything the two women said was
true. Bernie was also using "race-blind" rhetoric and has not addressed
race issues, including the ones they brought up.

But at the same time I have quite low standards for elections and I do not
expect an elected candidate to be doing even half of what Bernie is doing.
The idea that there could be a Bernie presidency is something that I always
assumed was impossible. I do not expect much out of these people and so
seeing anyone like Bernie having anything near a shot at the Presidency is
something I value. I'm also not sure how threatening to shut down a
campaign event is good politics.

I don't know what you mean by saying they're not going after Hillary. I'm
sure they will, and if they don't I doubt it's due to cowardice.

- Amith

On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 8:47 PM, Sheldon Ranz <sran...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm not sure if I agree with you, since you did not specify what was
> 'wrong'.  But I'll have a go at this anyway.
> The Black Lives Matter movement is desperate for publicity, which is
> understandable given the escalation of white supremacist police violence
> against African-Americans.
> BLM won't mess with Hillary because she's married to the Dope from Hope,
> the one who allowed Ricky Ray Rector to be executed, so they're afraid of
> her or any other Clinton. But they're not afraid of Sanders, so that's
> where they go. Sanders is a nice guy, and therefore a pushover in their
> eyes.
> Ongoing, neverending  racism has caused some of its victims to embrace the
> madness of censorship.
> On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 12:12 PM, A.R. G via Marxism <
> marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
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>> http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/250667-protesters-interrupt-bernie-sanders-rally
>> This seems wrong, on so many levels.
>> - Amith
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