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Russia is run by a corrupt pack of super rich capitalists, called oligarchs, 
who intend to oppress and exploit every piece of the earth they can get their 
hands on for their Empire, and don’t give a shit about freedom, democracy, the 
right of nations to self-determination, or anything else besides heaping up 
their money.

The United States is run by a corrupt pack of super rich capitalists, called 
oligarchs, who intend to oppress and exploit every piece of the earth they can 
get their hands on for their Empire, and don’t give a shit about freedom, 
democracy, the right of nations to self-determination, or anything else besides 
heaping up their money.

China is run by a corrupt pack of super rich capitalists, called oligarchs, who 
intend to oppress and exploit every piece of the earth they can get their hands 
on for their Empire, and don’t give a shit about freedom, democracy, the right 
of nations to self-determination, or anything else besides heaping up their 

Please excuse restatement of the obvious.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Anthony Brain via Marxism <marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu>
>Sent: Aug 25, 2015 8:20 PM
>To: Thomas F Barton <thomasfbar...@earthlink.net>
>********************  POSTING RULES & NOTES  ********************
>#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
>#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
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> https://defendtrotskyism.wordpress.com/2015/08/26/the-world-wide-revolutionary-socialst-implications-of-the-chinese-workers-state-growing-at-the-detriment-to-world-capitalist-market-by-anthony-brain/
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