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on Mittwoch, 26. August 2015 at 02:20, Anthony Brain via Marxism gave a link to 
his latest Wordpress-blog article, which contained e.g. this:

>  75 Billion Pounds were wasted in the stock market crash in the
> City of London during August 24th 2015. Additionally I have heard
> two days ago that the American Stock Market has lost 5 Trillion
> Dollars. All that money being wasted which could be used for
> productive investments for human need. 

 actually no, the drop in stock exchange values only showed that this was 
fictitious capital, which could not be realized when their owners tried to 
transform it in real values. These stock market values are product of 
speculation, not real production of value, even if this fictitious capital is 
being used to appropriate real values produced the world around in the process 
of a redivision of the surplus value. 

 Only human labor produces new value. 

 And human labor is the prime force which is needed for productive 
investmensts, not money. 

 That is why I have always said in regard to the crisis in Greece, that the 
first task is not to get the creditors to renounce of parts of their debt 
claims, but to mobilise the huge number of unemployed people in the country 
(with an unemployed rate of 25%) for a public works programm. Only the real 
mobilisation of human beings taking their fate in their working hands can be 
the basis for a renegotiation of the foreign debt of Greece. 

 Further down he wrote:

> Revolutionary upheavals could become more frequent in the next
> period. Key to Trotskyist strategy is utilise the examples of
> workers’ states of what is possible.

  I don't think that this would help. More important is the practial experience 
of the working class people in the capitalist countries with their own force of 
the big numbers and own productive role, gaining confidence in their own 
strength instead of this destitute thinking that it is always outside forces we 
have to expect "help" from. 


Lüko Willms
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