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What about the absence of any proof of a real mass mobiliazation against Assaad 
that wasn't almost immediately co-opted by armed foreign mercenaries, together 
with opportunist elements of the Assad regime itself, who though he would 
quickly go the way of Khadafy and opted to get on what they thought would 
quickly be the 'winning side'?

People rant about a fantasy of mass popular protest, but if that ever existed, 
it has long been superseded by massive foreign intervention and jihadist 

There is no evidence that these defectors from Assad's army represent the 
protest of the Syrian masses, is there?  They just want an Assad regime with a 
different family in charge. Exactly like the warlords now competing to take 
over what is left of Libya.  There isn't a whiff of anything progressive about 
any of these opportunists.

The jury is out on whether they are on the winning side, but they were 
certainly wrong about the 'quickly' part.

As far as massacres are concerend, a jihadist vitory would mean massive pogroms 
against ethnic and religious minorities.  The jihadists don't conceal this 
fact!  They in fact brag about it!   How can you avoid mentioning that little 

 Why do you think so many from these minorities have fled the country, after 
initially fleeing from areas the jihadists took over?

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