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At 12:08 15-10-15 -0700, Clay Claiborne via Marxism wrote:
>Mark Richey goes by many names and is not to be trusted.

Actually it's the list moderator's job to access who is to be trusted and
take action accordingly. When someone has such suspicions they should be
communicated in confidence to someone in responsibility (in the case of
this list, the moderator) who can quietly investigate. The one thing NOT to
do is to go public with what is only an allegation, for a number of very
good reasons not the least of which is that it alerts an actual infiltrator
that they are under suspicion. Or defames an innocent person. And in either
case generates a climate of distrust which is exactly why the enemy plants
"snitch jackets" as one disruptive tactic. Please always consider carefully
what you decide to circulate publicly. 

- Jeff

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