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From: Tony Greenstein <tonygreenstein...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 04:41:50 +0100
Subject: [Marxism] Israel - world's most racist state?

I find this kind of discussion list antiquated since it is difficult to
reply or respond.  I also have little time since organising against the
real witch hunters in the British labour party, from which I am suspended
for 'anti-Semitism' is taking most of my time.
Amith accuses me of 'racist privileging of Jewish voices like his own.'
whatever that means. 

Amith's accusations are absurd.  I did indeed wage a campaign against
Atzmon, who is a virulent anti-Semite (no not a nut job, a typically
chauvinist way of writing someone off).  It was at a time when the SWP was
supporting him.  contrary to Amith's lies I didn't do so from a Jewish
perspective but from a Palestinian one viz that Atzmon was endangering the
Palestine solidarity movement and making it easier for the Zionists to
attack it.   After some time, various Palestinian figures of note, like Ali
Abunimah and Omar Barghouti issued a statement denouncing Atzmon's
anti-Semitism, which was also Zionist in its political stance e.g.
criticising BDS.  It's no accident that Atzmon has been gleeful at the
Israeli attacks on Omar Barghouti.  If Amith hasn't read what he says then
maybe he should before commenting on things he knows nothing about.  The
fact is that there was a time when Atzmon had considerable support.

It is a lie to say that I have said or suggested that I have 'used
ethnocentric rhetoric in other writings portraying the Palestinian struggle
as an internal Jewish community issue'.  This is an Atzmon trope.  There is
no truth in it and it would suggest that Amith is accepting part of
Atzmon's anti-Semitic rhetoric whilst distancing himself from the man himself.

I criticised those who lent Atzmon support in e.g. the blurb of his book
'Wandering Who' such as Richard Falk.  I didn't accuse him of anti-Semitism
but naivety.  Counterpunch is a different matter.  It has given
considerable space to anti-Semites and indeed fascists like israel Shamir. 

I know little of the Stanford incident but I do know that Alison Weir has
appeared on platforms with white supremacists and believe that the latter
have something to offer the Palestine solidarity movement.  In this I
wholeheartedly support JVP in their opposition to her and her ilk because
they know that genuine anti-Semitism is something that the Zionists welcome
and that it is destructive of the PS movement.

Yes I criticised Neturei Karta for demonstration in support of the
Hungarian Jobbik party, which is a fascist party as well as being
anti-Semitic and of course anti-Gypsy.  Perhaps Amith has problems with that?

Far from me 'privileging' Jews I do the opposite.  I say that Jewish people
have a duty to speak out against Zionism since the latter claims to speak
on their behalf.

The fight against Zionism is an anti-racist one.  Alliances with racists,
white supremacists, fascists or those who employ racist tropes or arguments
does a disservice to the Palestinians.  if you don't understand that then
keep away from the Palestine solidarity movement as you can only do us
damage.  At a time when increasing numbers of young Jews are coming out
against Israel and Zionism we don't want sympathisers with the Alison Weirs
and other reactionary supporters of US imperialism to put them off.

Tony Greenstein

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