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On 8/10/16 2:22 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

In line with this, I just heard from Omar Sabbour on FB who "intervened"
at a George Galloway talk that included support for American air
strikes. He said that the middle-aged people were with Galloway:

"What was actually shocking is that very few in the crowd, which was
overwhelmingly white middle-aged folk, cared when Galloway *himself*
confirmed what I said about him being pro-Western airstrikes. It was
actually a bit surreal for me."

But not the young:

"Interestingly nearly everyone who came out and was interested about the
criticisms of Galloway were young."

A comment on Omar's timeline from another Arab:

"The demographic that constitute the bulk of hardcore Galloway and StWC supporters are the over 50 crowd. Notice that that Stalinist and/or pro-Putin pro-Assad worldview has has its most vociferous advocates in Galloway, Ali, Ramadani, Fisk, Cockburn, Hersh, that Australian douche bag ( forgot his name) and to a lesser degree Chomsky. And notice that they continuously promote each other. In essence, it's the old guard realising their own redundancy and irrelevance in the era of the Arab Spring, and trying desperately to cling on to their self-perceived status of grandeur."
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