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In the latter part of his comment on my piece Socialist Action on Libya and 
Syria, Joseph Green says this:
To return to Hiebert's critique of the 2011 article by Socialist Action, he 
asked how long it would take to build a revolutionary party in Libya, and 
said it might be decades. 

Here's the paragraph he is citing.
This advice is not very timely. Supporters of Socialist Action know through 
their own experience that it takes years, even decades, to build a 
revolutionary party. In any case, this will not be done separate and apart from 
participation in the struggles of today. If there are people in Libya who wish 
to follow the advice of SA, how should they be relating to the struggle today? 
Should they be putting forward a course of action for Libyan working people? 
What should that be? http://www.internationalviewpoint.org/spip.php?article2301

Of course he is free to read what I wrote and arrive at his own understanding.  
But his understanding and mine are different.  The point I was making was a 
very different one.
Responding to a current struggle with the timeless advice that we need a 
revolutionary party is not useful unless we tie it to a program of struggle in 
the present day.  The task of building a revolutionary party is never 
counterposed to participating in the struggles of the present day, however 
limited those struggles may be.

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