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Much as the possibility of "the Saudis" being able to get anywhere near a
village in Idlib with chemical weapons,  it is important to remember that
"everything bad in the Middle East is the fault of the Saudis."
Odious as the Saudi regime is (hell, one of the few that comes somewhat
close to the Assadist regime itself in internal repressiveness), can't
alter the fact that this kind of grotesque Saudiphobia is merely an
allowable, respectably left version of Islamophobia.

On 17/04/2017 4:58 AM, "Louis Proyect via Marxism" <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> On 4/16/17 2:46 PM, Andrew Stewart via Marxism wrote:
>> I have previously asked whether the Saudis could have done this without
>> approval or knowledge of the Americans, which is extremely tenable given
>> what we know about the links between Riyadh and other forces in the region
>> besides the US. The Wikileaks cache from Podesta showed this clearly.
> Done what? Sent secret agents into Khan Sheikhoun to kill a bunch of
> people to create a false flag?
> I think it is more likely that the smoking man from X-Files was behind it.
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