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On 1/23/19 2:43 PM, A.R. G wrote:

I'm disagreeing that the blame lies on leftists for his publishing decisions, as though they have control over what he says or does, and separately disagreeing that it is an important matter because Unz himself (like LaRouche) is unimportant.

Amith, I am getting frustrated with trying to get my point across. I am not "blaming leftists" for what Unz publishes. I am telling leftists to take their name down as columnists. They can't do much about him aggregating their work but they are within their rights to demand that their names being taken down as columnists. I wrote to every leftist columnist whose email address I could track down asking them why they allow their names to be so listed.

Michael Hudson wrote back saying he'd think about it. He's still there. Tom Engelhardt never responded even after 3 queries. C.J. Hopkins never responded but got into a tiff with Jeff St. Clair and Joshua Frank after he was mentioned by Tony DiMaggio as a Putin apologist. This led to him getting the boot. It was only Finkelstein who insisted on his right to be listed there, telling me that it was no worse than having your byline in the NY Times. That he can't tell the difference between a scary, Hitlerite website and the NY Times tells me that he has lost it.

Here's what I have written about UNZ Review in the past:


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