Well I am resisting the "Itoldyousomoment".  It seems to me that all this is
another instance of something that I heard the Irish revolutionary Gerry
Lawless say at Essex Uni long years ago.  In a talk he touched up on the
so-called Curragh Mutiny when British officers refused to obey the orders of
the Liberal English Govt to confront the far right Northern Irish
unionists.  Lawless's comment was as I remember that the British Govt
climbed down and that was why he was not a liberal for "liberals always back
down in the face of an armed threat from the Right".

So that is what we are seeing with "the man from yes we can".  Obama has
never been any thing other than a liberal.  That in itself is quite
remarkable in mainstream American politics and indeed enough to sow
illusions and hopes everywhere. However the Right know their liberals quite
well and know that they will always back down.

But let us be quite clear here. It is not a question as Fred says of the
Right trying to destroy Obama's administration.  It is merely the Right
flexing its muscle and the liberal Obama doing what he was always going to
do - retreat while muttering "Yes we can but perhaps not just right now".

But all that is really pointless compared with the reactions of all those
who invested their hopes in Obama.  What will they do now that the
dialectics of disillusionment have begun? Impossible to say but let me be
frank that that I think it is most important that we do not fall into the
trap of defending Obama.  True he is being attacked by the Right.  But our
task as revolutionaries is to defend the people not some smooth phony.


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