Friendly & comradely greetings to Luko who in reply to my post on resisting
the temptation to rush to defence of Obama instead of sticking to the task
of defending the people said

"One can't really separate one from the other."

My response:

Of course we can & moreover we have to.  The ruling class need Obama much
more than the working class do.  True a rabid section of the ruling class is
perhaps seeking to destroy him.  Though  I must register my
personal scepticism about this. Just as I was sceptical when Walter (bless
him!) raised the Clarence Thomas "attack" on Obama, I am sceptical now.
about the existence of any move to destroy Obama's presidency.  To my mind
it is all going to plan for large sections of the American ruling class.
The world is still in love with the "Man from yes we can".  True at home in
the U.S of A, according to the polls, the glister is appearing to be wearing
thin and that is a sign of real hope.

I did not really understand Mark's post about the "birther crap" -
presumably that is a reference to the smear that Obama was not born in the
USA.  Of course we defend anyone against racism etc. But what Mark has
persistently refused to acknowledge is that there is also an urgent need to
attack the illusions in Obama. He and the Democratic Party are the enemy.
Just because there also exists a bunch of troglodytes slavering around the
place does not mean that we should ever lose sight of what Obama as a
bourgeois politician is and what bourgeois politics is all about -
maintaining the rule of the bourgeoisie. That is simple but it is not
simplistic at all at all.

Now just in case someone is tempted to reply with the invective of
"ultra-left", I do of course recognize the need to maneuver and to attempt
to divide and position factions within the enemy camp and also I see the
absolute need to fight for gains however small. Having said that I look
forward to the day when the mass of the American people consign the Obama
moment to the dust bin of history.


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