At 14:46 10/09/09 -0400, Les Schaffer wrote:
>i challenge Jeff or any of the forwarding junkies to go to the archives 
>and do a survey of forwarded articles and see how many turn into 
>discussion. i've put this challenge out before and no one has bit. 

Well I just did some quick statistics that you can chew on. However please
do not call me a "forwarding junky" as I forward very little. It's just
that I often like reading OTHER forwarded material, and it is for people
like me that those articles are forwarded, not just to start discussions. I
think forwarding useful articles is good whether or NOT they lead to

Just using the sorting capabilities of my text editor, I examined the
approximately 19150 posts to this list over the last year. The following
results are rather approximate as they were just based on the subject lines
of the posts, and there were some ambiguities. For instance, some email
programs send a reply without a "Re:" so these have the same subject line
as the original post but were actually replies. However in a few cases the
same subject line was used more than once (such as "Moderator's note") so
these are indistinguishable. About 726 were either duplicate subjects or
actually replies: I'll just assume the latter.

There were about 8270 original posts, and about 10850 replies. Of those
replies, there were about 2420 subjects replied to. Therefore each original
post that was replied to had an average of about 4.5 replies.

So about 29% of the original posts generated replies. However there is no
way that the computer could be taught to determine (even if I had been
running a more sophisticated program) whether an original post is an
"article" or just someone's thoughts. As I pointed out, there is no clear
distinction anyway.

Given the 29% figure, it is impossible to say whether the reply rate to
ARTICLES is less than or greater than 29%. Sorry.

But what I can say for sure, is that out of 19150 posts, about 5850 were
original posts which no one replied to. Therefore I can say with certainty
that no more than 30% of the list traffic (numbers of posts, not kilobytes)
could have been articles that generated no discussion at all. That was what
Les thought was so awful and should be moved to a separate list.

Do you really think 30% is too much??

- Jeff

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