Bhaskar Sunkara ( wrote on 2009-09-19 at 
15:45:13 in  about Re: [Marxism] Germany's Die Linke shows the way for the 
> There is a militant minority in Die Linke that wants to build an
> oppositional movement and not be mere left-social democrats.

  The party is not even _left_ social democrats, but just socialdemocrat. 
  A merger of the "real" social democrats of the SPD with the main stalinist 

  And there is nobody advancing a revolutionary program for the working 
class movement. 

  Sure, the existence of the party is an expression of the fact that the 
cut-back politics of the past goverments are not accepted without a murmur 
by the masses. 

  I'll vote for the Pirates next sunday. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany
visit Marx, Engels, Luxemburg, Lenin, Trotzki in 

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