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The binary view of voter alternatives miss the largest single option: not
voting at all.  Most of the time, voters don't just switch but drop out of
the process until something lures them back.

There was a study done at one point comparing the 1964 LBJ landslide to the
1980 and 1984 Reagan victories.  What they found was that the demographics
remained quite consistent.  If you were a blue-eyed Presbyterian living in a
community of 10,000 to 20,000 with an income of such-and-such, you tended to
vote the same way in either election.  The difference was that in 1964,
those constitutencies tending to vote Democratic were well motivated and
well organized...and participated in the election disproportionately.  By
1980, a chain of Democratic betrayals left them demoralized and relatively
disiniterested in turning our to save the Carter administraiton.  In
contrast,conservative voters scared that blacks were going to mug them,
unions were going to overcharge them for labor, and Iranians or Russians or
foreigners of some sort or another were going to steal their sheep were well
motivated and well organized.

The most likely thing right now isn't that the voters who elected Obama are
going to vote Republican but that they're not going to turn out to reelect
him...or, most immediately, to reelect Democrats to Congress in 2010.  The
man decided to model his administration after Clinton and used a lot of the
same people.  And Clinton's failure to do the pathetically few things he
said he'd do in 1992 resulted in his losing his base in 1994.  .

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