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On Dec 26, 2009, at 8:51 AM, Joaquin Bustelo wrote:
> Barry wrote: "Real income can not have a simple relation to  
> productivity.
> Even if politics and policy allowed real wages to track worker  
> productivity
> there are other limits to real income."
> Isn't "productivity" a completely bogus measure, from the point of  
> view of
> Marxist economics?
> The bourgeois definition of productivity is the average monetary  
> value added
> by one hour of labor.

But Marx constantly speaks of the productivity of labor, which  
determines relative surplus-value.  The formulaic Marxian definition  
of productivity is exactly the same as the "bourgeois" one--real  
output per unit of labor-time.  The differences are: Marx counts net  
labor input (variable capital) as *productive* labor only, while  
"neoclassical" (not Smithian) bourgeois economics recognizes only  
gross input without any productive/nonproductive distinction; and Marx  
counts net real output  (v+s) in units of concrete labor, *dated*  
labor time, (as in "real net output in year z was equivalent to the  
net product of y hours of productive labor time in year x") while  
bourgeois economics recognizes only gross output (c+v+s).  As the  
share of nonproductive labor (the organic composition of the social  
capital) steadily increases in both fixed and circulating forms the  
gap between the two concepts of productivity grows ever wider.

Shane Mage

> This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
> always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
> kindling in measures and going out in measures."
> Herakleitos of Ephesos

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