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You wrote, at the start,  "No movie can have a radical message unless it is 
issued in the context of an active [p]olitical movement of The Left.

Given such a movie, the movie with the most radical (and anti-racist) 
context is The Birth of a Nation," which makes ao powerfully visible (as no 
leftist or explicitly anti-racist movie has ever done or ever could do) the 
inner logic of what we might call The Second Americvan REpublic, 1876-1970"

The problem with your analysis is precisely the one of context.  You are 
reading the context of the 1960s, 70s, into a film that was made in the 
context of 1915,  Woodrow Wilson's explicitly virulent racism, and a 
nation's self-glorification of its enslavement of people.  You are the one 
missing the context of the movie, and the content in the movie, ascribing to 
the film itself what would be the value of the most merciless criticism of 
the film.

Essentially, what you are doing is "wishing" a context to the film that 
simply does not exist.  The content of the film does exist.  And that 
content is in no way, shape, or form critical of the racism, terrorism, 
disenfranchisement practiced by the redemptionists of the South.  The 
movie's original title was "The Clansmen," and it explictly endorsed the KKK 
attacks on Reconstruction.  Now maybe, no maybe about it, you want to make 
that into a self-criticism of capitalism, but it is not, because there is 
lacking the most critical component of "self-criticism"-- which is 
historical consciousness within the film itself.  The film is based on a 
distortion, actual destruction, of history.

What you make of the film is exactly parallel to somebody claiming "Mein 
Kampf" is the greatest exposure of anti-Jewish prejudice ever written.

The nonsense is all yours, all the time.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Carrol Cox" <cb...@ilstu.edu> 

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