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Paula wrote:

> Climate change has been around for billions of years. It cannot be
> eliminated, though future generations might be able to control it to
> some extent. In the meantime society should expect phenomena such as
> the 1 degree C cooling experienced in the Bolivian highlands over the
> past 5 decades. My point is that in a rationally organized society
> such phenomena would not have the impacts they have today.

I have no idea what you mean by a "rationally organized society". For 
me, that means curtailing the production of greenhouse gases. Since you 
think that water vapor might be problem, I can only assume that you are 
indifferent to air conditioning in Phoenix, families owning one car per 
member, etc. But more to the point, it is impossible to understand what 
you propose because you are a master of evasion except fighting against 
poverty or some other platitude.

> Noted, but remember that glaciers have been retreating and
> disappearing for thousands of years. One main reason is surely
> natural global warming - what you'd expect in an inter-glacial period
> such as the one we are living through. But the Chacaltaya story shows
> us that, paradoxically, cooling can also contribute to the process.
> The question then is whether human activity adds anything to the
> natural and inevitable patterns of climate change, and if so how much
> and with what consequences. That question is very difficult to
> answer.

Difficult perhaps for you, Spiked online and Alexander Cockburn.

Btw, Paula, have one more go at your denialism thing and then that's it.

Frankly, I am really wondering what your purpose is here since you only 
surface periodically to argue some point held by virtually nobody on the 
list except Paddy. At least he would have no use for your ideas about 
imperialism. To be blunt, you have the typical behavior of a troll and I 
don't think it is worth our time to answer you on an ongoing basis. My 
guess is that if you collected your denialist thoughts and put them up 
on a blog, they'd get about 3 visits a month. So Marxmail allows someone 
with bizarro ideas to have a ready-made audience. I can put up with this 
for a few days, but then it grows quite tiresome.

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