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There must be no separation between workers' union and political party.

That was what caused the failure of the 2nd International and 3rd

And look where that led them. Russia ? China ?

Policy (internal and international) should be decided by workers

The idea that union and party are two separate entities, the former
being subordinate to the later, is a typically "ruling elite" idea.
Let "great thinkers" come up with a Socialist utopia, while workers are
confined to listening respectfully.

Workers are incapable, or so Leninist thinking goes, of understanding
the ins and outs of national policy. They need a Party of intellectuals
to guide them.

I am not against a party (a bunch of people) trying to convince people,
but WITHIN A TRADE UNION. And openly. Be they Trotskyist or Maoist, as
long as they hate bosses.

The working class's aim is emancipation. 

I know that many people will denigrate the importance of strikes and
organizing unions of the working class, and prefer building a party.
GOod luck to them !

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