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No, I do not-- first off, while there was a significant growth in the US 
economy in the development of capitalism 1840-1860, that growth absolutely 
pales when compared to the industrial development after the Civil War--  
during the period of the long deflation 1873-1898.

Secondly, revolutions are social struggles.  A revolution means the 
overthrow of one class with its attendant mode of production, by another 
class with another mode of production.  So the industrial revolution is a 
misuse of the word revolution.

Now the Civil War certainly consolidates the economic and political power of 
the bourgeoisie, but as an actual revolution, the Civil War is a dismal 
failure, not because it failed, but because Reconstruction was dismantled, 
destroyed, and the Northern bourgeoisie reconstituted the plantation class 
in the South.  Tom Scott's role, [he of the Pennsylvania RR, and of having 
worked so brilliantly in moving the Army of the Potomac west to relieve 
Rosencrans], in the dismantling of Reconstruction is quite enlightening--  
and of course the end of Reconstruction is accompanied by the great railroad 
strike of 1877.

Hayes removed Feederal troops from the South and sent Federal troops city to 
city in the North and Midwest to break the strike.

Scott had urged Hayes to feed the strikers who were battling starvation 
wages, " a lead diet."

Scott's words had some significance since he, Scott, was the man who 
delivered the votes in the Congress that delivered Hayes to the Presidency.

After that, Hayes had no problem with the Federal govt. backing up 
$30,000,000 in bonds of Scott's bankrupt Texas and Pacific railroad.

Great country, America.

Oops, over the limit,  6 posts... sorry.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "New Tet" <cchrist...@bellsouth.net> 

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