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Richard Seymour wrote:
> Sure, but there's a difference between the question of how radicals
> relate to the masses and how revolutionaries should do so.  I'm in
> favour of forming broader groups that could be called any number of
> things.  They certainly don't have to say 'socialist', or 'workers', or
> 'communist', or 'hammer' in their name.  I was in a group that called
> itself 'Respect' for Christs' sake.  

For people new to Marxmail and unfamiliar with British far left 
politics, Richard is a member of the British SWP that recently 
suffered something of a split involving leading members John Rees 
and Lindsey German. While I am not familiar with all the disputed 
issues, I know that the Respect experience was fairly important. 
Both sides seem to support a "united front" approach to electoral 
formations such as Respect that in my opinion is a formula for 
disaster since it requires the "revolutionary" members of the 
group to accept the discipline of their own organization. From my 
own experience in the American SWP, this kind of behavior in the 
mass movement alienated just about everybody who was not a member 
or sympathizer of our sect.

Here is my analysis:


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