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On 12/04/2010 15:18, Louis Proyect wrote:
> While I am not familiar with all the disputed issues, I know that the
> Respect experience was fairly important. Both sides seem to support a
> "united front" approach to electoral formations such as Respect that
> in my opinion is a formula for disaster since it requires the
> "revolutionary" members of the group to accept the discipline of their
> own organization. From my own experience in the American SWP, this
> kind of behavior in the mass movement alienated just about everybody
> who was not a member or sympathizer of our sect.

This isn't quite right. 

1) I can't speak for everyone, but the concept of "united front of a
special kind", which was John Rees' innovation, is not one that has
enjoyed universal support in the SWP.  In fairness, I also understand
that Rees himself is not committed to that formula - though perhaps that
was a negotiating position adopted when he was still in the party. 

2) It isn't the "united front of a special kind" formula that requires
members to accept the discipline of their own organisation, it is the
fact that they are members.  This would be expected however one
classified participation in an electoral group.  Nor do I believe that
this in itself leads to problems - it doesn't usually affect our ability
to operate in a fraternal and open way with others in different
campaigns.  Provided the party is determined to work constructively
within whatever organisation it joins, party discipline should usually
help rather than hinder relations with that organisation.

3) In the case of Respect, I might add, it was the failure of certain
members to accept the discipline of their organisation, their failure to
be accountable for how they conducted themselves as SWP members within
Respect, that caused a great part of the problem - many people were
simply unaware of much of what was taking place.  Had that
accountability been in place, the very real divisions in Respect might
have been handled far more tactfully and amicably than they were.

I apologise for filling up Marxmail with what must look like parochial
gossip, but as you appear to be drawing broader lessons from these
experiences, I feel impelled to clarify what took place.

Richard Seymour Writer and blogger Email: leninstombb...@googlemail.com
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