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Richard Seymour wrote:

> *shrugs*...  I mean, really, Louis.  Who /isn't/ looking to the future? 
> Do you know anyone who explicitly says they're looking to the past? 

You can't have it both ways. Groups like the American SWP and the 
British SWP are consumed with the question of "revolutionary 
continuity", showing that they are the true successors of Marx, 
Engels, Lenin and Trotsky. Just read Tony Cliff on "Trotskyism 
after Trotsky" to get a feel for how important pedigree is:


I propose dumping this kind of junk, but my message is directed 
more to the young unaffiliated Marxists who read my blog or 
subscribe to Marxmail rather than members of such groups who would 
regard me as a "liquidationist" or worse.

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