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My last post of the day...Number 5, I think....

Ditto to S. Artesian and Chris.

You have to build a movement to draw people to the Left.  That's your
best shot at ever getting people who aren't now remotely sympathetic
to the Left.  And the active teapartybaggers who actually go to things
are just that....  Saying that we're not willing to build a movement
unless we want to spend quality time with people not remotely
sympathetic to the Left is just sophistry.  Worse, it makes me think
I'm trying to explain to kids about the light in the refrigerator.....

Oh, here's an article on the local event, where Joe the Plumber called
for shooting immigrants..

After attending this event, several very enthusiastic students stopped
by to share their insights.  They repeated everything said there.  As
always, we talked through the issues, and I seemed to make some
progress with them.  However, as has been the case in the past, the
minute someone they actually respect--someone the media tells them to
respect--calls again for shooting immigrants, it'll be as though we
have never had those discussions.

Build a movement of progressive people around progressive values...a
movement of people who respect themselves and are learning to respect
their own judgments and it will be contagious.  That is, people will
learn to trust their own judgments and ideas rather than to cheer
low-grade morons such as Joe the Plunger.


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