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Mark wrote:
>Actually, in saying this, brad is himself climbing on board with the
>current fad among the Democrats...which is precisely what brad's
>arguing here.  I heard Arianna Huffington whinging on about this just
>the other day on MSNBC.
O.K. Mark time to back up some of this shit with some sources.  Where
exactly did Huffington say that by focusing on just the Racism we miss
the real class issues of the TP?  Also you said this is a current fad
among Dems so can you give us some other sources where you heard this
argument by Dems?  Finally, can you show me where I switched positions
and started 'climbing on board' this idea, instead of it being what I
have been stating all along?

Mark again:
>As to brad's call for a class analysis, Marxism sees class in terms of
>self-consciousness not objective sociological categories.  In calling
>for a "good class based analyses" that "cuts right through ideology,"
>brad is suggesting something crudely sociological...and quite
>acceptably liberal.

What 'Marxism' sees class as determined by self-consciousness not
material terms?  And how is calling for class analysis liberal?


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