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There has been a terrible (or is it an embarassed) silence about the
election in Britain from comrades "over there" or "up there". I have been
following events thru the Guardian online.  The Liberals appear to be
wetting themselves with joy at the performance of Nick Clegg in the
televised debate with Cameron and Brown.

The polls show the Lib-Dems have finally overtaken the Labour Party.  With
the First Past the Post voting system in place that could mean, I think, the
wiping out of large sections of the Labour Party MPs.  I am tempted to call
that a consummation devoutly to be wished, but the thought of  a resurgent
Lib Dems or worse a Tory government is enough to make me quite sick.

Not that the idea of another year or so looking at Brown doesn't make me
look for the chuck bucket either.

Why are things so bad? When oh when will the working class turn and fight?


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