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Well, here is the question that divides a lot of the British far-left:
how do you "united the Left?"  Do you focus on building social
movements from below and expect a new formation to come out that that
new terrain over time (or for activists to flood to one of the
existing organizations) or is the task at the moment the a new, united
organization of revolutionary socialists and politically advanced
workers as a prerequisite to meaningful political action (preventing
the futile duplication of efforts and the alphabet soup of sects on
the radical left)?  From the standpoint of an activist in the States,
I'd say that this question is pretty damn relevant for us as well.

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 9:08 PM, Gary MacLennan
<gary.maclenn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What will be most likely to increase our chances of victory? I don't live in
> the UK so what I say here is more than somewhat gratuitous.  But for a start
> I would try once more to unite the Left, and I say that with a good deal of
> knowledge of what that Herculean task would entail.  But if we could only
> find a way to rediscover the success of the 1930s Popular Front without the
> Stalinism, we might be in with a very real chance.

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