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Nestor Gorojovsky:

> [First of all, and though this is already known on this list, I would
> like to point out that Germany may probably be the country where a
> consequent Marxist defense of the Arab cause against the crimes
> committed by the State of Israel requires the highest degree of moral
> courage (and Austria, maybe). The moral equivalent, on "the enemy" side,
> would be that of someone in Hanoi defending the right of US to invade
> and storm Viet Nam in order to save the world from Communism.]

Either Nestor didn't think before drawing this analogy, or he really is saying 
that Germany's position vis-a-vis Israel is analogous to Vietnam's position 
vis-a-vis the United States.

So the major capitalist power in Europe, which pushes around it's southern and 
eastern neighbors, is second only to China in terms of being a major export 
economy, and which is responsible more than any other state for the vicious 
destruction of Yugoslavisa, is in fact merely subservient to a crappy little 
client state of the U.S. in the Middle East?


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