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Lüko Willms escribió:
>    I am also not so keen to demand that the Jewish settlements in the West 
> Bank should be demolished and their inhabitants being returned to the 
> pre-1967 Israel, as was done with the settlements on the Sinai peninsula and 
> later in the Gaza strip (where they destroyed all houses, but left only the 
> synagogues intact, a real provocation). Maybe one could demand some kind 
> of affirmative action. What has to be done in any case, is to dismantle the 
> fortress character of the settlements, and a disarmament of the settler 
> gangs. I think that people like Avnery -- which I respect a lot for his 
> courageous stand -- think that Jews should not live under Arab majority rule, 
> so that the people living in the settlements should all be evacuated. 


That´s to be bold and serious!!

Never thought of the issue that way, which is obviously the right way.

And of course, Avnery wants to keep Eretz Israel Jewish, this is true. 
It´s not a matter of hating Arab majority rule but of fearing the 
consequences of the non-existence of a Jewish state on all the Jews in 
the world, etc., etc., etc.

Which of course boils down to "no Jewish minority again, thus Jewish 
majority always, thus Jews should not live under Arab majority rule".

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