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Angelus Novus escribió:

> Nestor Gorojovsky:
>> [First of all, and though this is already known on this list, I
>> would like to point out that Germany may probably be the country
>> where a consequent Marxist defense of the Arab cause against the
>> crimes committed by the State of Israel requires the highest degree
>> of moral courage (and Austria, maybe). The moral equivalent, on
>> "the enemy" side, would be that of someone in Hanoi defending the
>> right of US to invade and storm Viet Nam in order to save the world
>> from Communism.]
> Either Nestor didn't think before drawing this analogy, or he really
> is saying that Germany's position vis-a-vis Israel is analogous to
> Vietnam's position vis-a-vis the United States.

Oh, no, don´t seek the hairs in the hen´s egg as we say in Argentina.

It´s so much easier and less contorted.

I mean that given the fact of the Holocaust and the permanent drumbeat 
in favor of Israel in post WWII Germany, the position of someone 
attacking Israel in Germany is as difficult as the position of someone 
defending US pervasive use of Agent Orange, in Viet Nam.

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