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On 10/21/2010 1:28 AM, johnaimani wrote:

> A social-democrat versus an Adam Smith libertarian.  This last named
> because, in addition to his "invisible Hand" pronouncements, at two
> points (21:25 and 25:40) Schiff makes Smith's (Ricardo's, Marx's) case
> that labor is the source of all value (esp profits).
> Was disappointed that Henwood only made the the Keynesian/Roosevelt case
> for public works jobs.  Further he conceded that small manufacturing
> won't come back to the US.  Why not?  The advantage that emerging
> nations have in this capacity is not a natural comparative one, it is
> the result of the fact that labor rates are 1/10 or so that of the US.
> There is no reason that we should not manufacture televisions, toasters,
> computers, etc here and put our workers back to work.  Why should they
> be manufactured elsewhere when that implicits the added, and
> unnecessary, burden of transportation costs?
> Where was the argument for communism?  Full employment.  Living wages
> (until scarcity been overcome by the rise in productivity of an
> unchained workforce).  Capitalist Keynesianism, no matter how well
> intentioned, if successful only recreates the conditions of our
> wage-slavery.  And then, only at a cost of a down-the-road and
> exacerbated crisis, certain to follow, as the fiscal policies enacted
> come into conflict with the internal dynamics of a system bent on its
> own destruction.  On this last see Grossman-The Law of the
> Accumulation..." or Marx-"Capital Vol3"  Chap XV, Sec 3.

Doug responds:

When you're in a debate like that, you have to tune your rhetoric 
to the audience. The audience for the Real News includes a lot of 
fairly mainstream people. If I started talking like a Red, they 
would have stopped listening. I realize it may be offensive to 
revolutionary purists to do this, but don't forget: 1) even my 
social democratic agenda is way out of the realm of the possible 
in this crazy country, and 2) my interlocutor already thought I 
was a Bolshevik anyway (I'm not kidding).

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