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Oscar Martínez said:"... But also our productivity is too low. We need greater 
efficiency and more saving to ensure economic growth. We are a small country 
with limited resources. We need better organize our production, improve 
discipline, and update our economic model. We are importing far too much, 
especially food, and need to be more self-sufficient. We need to focus far more 
on agriculture. Food production has now become an issue of national security."

Yes, isn't that whole "socialism [or even close to socialism] in one country" 
thing a bear (sic)? 
I used to believe that being a great example of "what could be done" was a 
great point of departure in showing people interested in socialism that at 
least there was one country where capitalism had been overturned And there were 
revolutionary internationalists at the helm who could and should be emulated.

I believe that still to be true. However, I believe the epoch in which such 
exemplars are a sufficient guide to action is (or at least in process of) 
passing. At some point, "swimming in a sea of mud" just to survive is simply an 
exercise for the dying. Cuban leaders and their pretenders in Venezuela and 
Bolivia, while not complacent, seem stuck in their perceived roles as example 
to others. However, the Cuban people are a truly conscious (in their majority 
at least) people with great intellectual, programmatic, and organizational 
"wealth" in the 50+ years of struggle against insurmountable odds. Is providing 
doctors, teachers, even soldiers to countries in need really the best way to 
defend the revolution? The metaphors have to change; no more swimming in mud. 
To find ways for a "socialist" state to survive economically using the language 
and tactics more akin to radical trade unionists fighting for better conditions 
within a capitalist system illustrates the futility of trying to "hang on" (as 
if the laws of the class struggle are somehow immune and not simply exacerbated 
within a worker's state). 
What the world needs is a nation of organizers--proletarian internationalist 
activists, international party builders--not "excellent stewards" of dismal 
resources in one "island in the sun". The Cuban example is powerful not in its 
defeat of capital within its borders, but in its potential capacity to 
galvanize the world working class. To think otherwise is selling the Cuban 
revolution short at best and confining itself into a stalinist bureaucratic 
quagmire of isolationism at worst. 

Being a person of color, I have spent a lifetime learning and then simply 
knowing that I would have to do better than my privileged counterparts just 
even to be acknowledged. I turned that reality into an understanding that it 
would Never matter what I could individually accomplish as doing so would never 
bring me anything but grudging tolerance and ultimate rejection regardless. I 
say this simply to point out that no matter how sterling our efforts or those 
of our comrades (e.g., in Cuba), such great examples will Never suffice because 
the kernel of our strivings is a society corrupt in its evolution no matter how 
material the history from which it spawned. There really is only one outcome 
that will bring any of us peace; and it is not finding and simply defending our 
own "little piece of heaven". 

The materialist dialectic indicates that out of the contradictions of class 
exploitation will come the conditions for proletarian usurpation of the world 
of privilege and inhumanity. But that usurpation is Never inevitable as history 
has shown; at least not without the ultimately dialectical intervention of 
revolutionary leadership. That leadership, to be sure, will be born of that 
same proletariat who began as a class tied to survival with the meager means it 
was/is provided by the liars, cheats, and hoarders of the world wealth but that 
will finally become the liberators of the world from the scourge of privilege 
with want. For such a leadership to emerge, we must go beyond examples to 
action; from fending for oneself in a "revolutionary" fashion to driving the 
example forward and fomenting it not with zealous "emulation" but with helping 
to empower, galvanize, and organize the rest of "us" in every corner of this 
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