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Here are my real wishes for Joaquin's good health and  recovery.  And yes, 
meeting in person would be great

My point is just what I said it was-- how does this national revolution deal 
with corporate private property in its various international manifestations?

I agree, the possibility for that Latin American unity is the possibility 
for the conquering of power by the workers, by the poor of cities and 
countryside, by the landless, the laborers, and those tied to the land by 
below-subsistence conditions enforced by the private landed property of the 

I don't, however, agree that the only road open for the workers is that of 
Bolivar and Che, Bolivar or Che.  Both failed in their objectives. 
Bolivar's dreams of Gran Colombia collapsed in the face of the realities of 
private property.  Che's focoism didn't stand a chance.

As Joaquin correctly points out, I do think the issue is capitalism, 
capitalism that is first and foremost the aggrandizement of labor-power; 
capitalism which overlays that aggrandizement on pre-existing relations of 
race and gender, but having done so, subsumes those conflicts, makes them 
"intelligible" "resolvable" in, and only in, the overthrow of its, 
capitalism's condition of reproduction, that aggrandizement of labor power, 
which does NOT mean we ignore, can ignore, can accomplish that overthrow 
without addressing those relatoins of race and gender.  We cannot.

Short version-- the main enemy is always the local, national enemy, because 
that enemy is the way the entire international, global, system sustains, 
maintains itself.    If this is not the capitalism of the mid 19th century 
as Marx analyzed it, it is even less the imperialism of the late 19th 
century as Lenin analyzed it.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joaquín Bustelo" <jbust...@bellsouth.net>
To: <sartes...@earthlink.net> 

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