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Without describing it in these blunt terms, Financial Times economic columnist 
Martin Wolf argues below that "far away the biggest single factor about our 
world" is the ending of Western imperialist domination of Asia, Africa, and 
Latin America. 

This is a controversial thesis, particularly among Marxists and in the face of 
US military power, but since 1980 the relative rates of growth in output and 
per capita incomes between the advanced capitalist countries and their former 
colonies and semi-colonies have reversed dramatically. Although the statistical 
evidence varies, there is no dispute that in China, the epicentre of this 
historic change, output over the past three decades has risen from around 5% to 
20% of US levels, with the trend having accelerated sharply over the past five 
years. As Wolf notes, citing Ben Bernanke, "the aggregate real output of 
emerging economies was 41 per cent higher than at the start of 2005. It was 70 
per cent higher in China and about 55 per cent higher in India. But, in the 
advanced economies, real output was just 5 per cent higher. For emerging 
countries, the 'great recession' was a blip. For high-income countries, it was 

One can dispute Wolf's attribution of the reversal to the adoption of 
pro-capitalist policies by China and India, which he sees as driven by the 
globalization of markets and technology, and he neglects the widening 
disparities of income which have accompanied the process, but his conclusion is 
one which is now widely shared: "In the past few centuries, what was once the 
European and then American periphery became the core of the world economy. Now, 
the economies that became the periphery are re-emerging as the core. This is 
transforming the entire world."

The overheated Chinese economy may or may not be heading for an imminent bust, 
but as Wolf also notes, "even world wars and depressions merely interrupted the 
rise of earlier industrialisers. If we leave aside nuclear war, nothing seems 
likely to halt the ascent of the big emerging countries, though it may well be 


*       *       *

In the grip of a great convergence
By Martin Wolf
Financial Times
January 4 2011 

Convergent incomes and divergent growth – that is the economic story of our 
times. We are witnessing the reversal of the 19th and early 20th century era of 
divergent incomes. In that epoch, the peoples of western Europe and their most 
successful former colonies achieved a huge economic advantage over the rest of 
humanity. Now it is being reversed more quickly than it emerged. This is 
inevitable and desirable. But it also creates huge global challenges.

In an influential book, Kenneth Pomeranz of the University of California, 
Irvine, wrote of the “great divergence” between China and the west. He located 
that divergence in the late 18th and 19th centuries. This is controversial: the 
late Angus Maddison, doyen of statistical researchers, argued that by 1820 UK 
output per head was already three times and US output per head twice Chinese 
levels. Yet of the subsequent far greater divergence there is no doubt 
whatsoever. By the middle of the 20th century, real incomes per head (measured 
at purchasing power parity) in China and India had fallen to 5 and 7 per cent 
of US levels, respectively. Moreover, little had changed by 1980.

What had once been the centres of global technology had fallen vastly behind. 
This divergence is now reversing. That is far and away the biggest single fact 
about our world.

On Maddison’s data, between 1980 and 2008 the ratio of Chinese output per head 
to that of the US rose from 6 to 22 per cent, while India’s rose from 5 to 10 
per cent. Data from the Conference Board’s “total economy database”, computed 
on a slightly different basis, indicate that the ratio rose from 3 to 19 per 
cent in China and from 3 to 7 per cent in India between the late 1970s and 
2009. The comparisons are uncertain, but the direction of relative change is 

Rapid convergence on the productivity of advanced western economies is not 
unprecedented in the era following the second world war. Japan was the 
forerunner, followed by South Korea and a few small east Asian dragon economies 
– Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan. Japan had already begun to industrialise in 
the 19th century, with remarkable success. After its defeat in the second world 
war, it restarted at about a fifth of US output per head, roughly where China 
is today, to reach 70 per cent in the early 1970s. It attained a peak of close 
to 90 per cent of US levels in 1990, when its bubble economy burst, before 
declining again. South Korea started at 10 per cent of US levels in the 
mid-1960s to reach close to 50 per cent in 1997, just before the Asian crisis, 
and 64 per cent in 2009.

What is unprecedented this time is not convergence, but the scale. Suppose 
China were to follow Japan’s path during the 1950s and 1960s. Then it would 
still have 20 years of very fast growth in front of it, reaching some 70 per 
cent of US output per head by 2030. At that point, its economy would be a 
little less than three times as large as that of the US, at PPP, and larger 
than that of the US and western Europe combined. India is further behind. At 
recent rates of growth, India’s economy would be about 80 per cent of that of 
the US by 2030, though its gross domestic product per head would still be less 
than a fifth of US levels.

China is today where Japan was in 1950, relative to US levels at that time. But 
its output per head is far higher in absolute terms, since US levels have 
themselves risen threefold. Today, China’s real GDP per head is roughly where 
Japan’s was in the mid-1960s and South Korea’s in the mid-1980s. India’s are 
where Japan was in the early 1950s and South Korea in the early 1970s.

In short, today’s divergent rates of growth between successful emerging 
economies and the high-income economies reflects the speed of the convergence 
of incomes between them. This divergence in growth is staggering. In an 
important speech in November, Ben Bernanke, chairman of the US Federal Reserve, 
noted that in the second quarter of 2010, the aggregate real output of emerging 
economies was 41 per cent higher than at the start of 2005. It was 70 per cent 
higher in China and about 55 per cent higher in India. But, in the advanced 
economies, real output was just 5 per cent higher. For emerging countries, the 
“great recession” was a blip. For high-income countries, it was calamitous.

The great convergence is a world-transforming event. Today, the west – defined 
to include western Europe and its “colonial offshoots” (the US, Canada, 
Australia and New Zealand) – contains 11 per cent of the world’s population. 
But China and India contain 37 per cent. The present position of the former 
group of countries will not be sustained. It is a product of the great 
divergence. It will end with the great convergence.

This assumes that the convergence itself will continue, if not necessarily at 
recent speeds. The best response to those who doubt this is: why not? Powerful 
market and technological forces are spreading the stock of knowledge across the 
globe. No one doubts that Chinese and Indian people are capable of applying it. 
They are quite as entrepreneurial and driven as westerners. Being poorer, they 
are surely far more so.

Until recently, political, social and policy obstacles were decisive. This has 
not been true for several decades. Why should these re-emerge? True, many 
reforms will be required if growth is to proceed, but growth itself is likely 
to transform societies and politics in needed directions. True, neither China 
nor India may surpass US output per head: Japan failed to do so. But they are 
far away today. Why should they be unable to reach, say, half of US 
productivity? That is Portugal’s level. Can China match Portugal? Surely.

Of course, catastrophes may intervene. But it is striking that even world wars 
and depressions merely interrupted the rise of earlier industrialisers. If we 
leave aside nuclear war, nothing seems likely to halt the ascent of the big 
emerging countries, though it may well be delayed. China and India are big 
enough to drive growth from their domestic markets if protectionism takes hold. 
Indeed, they are big enough to drive growth even in other emerging countries as 

In the past few centuries, what was once the European and then American 
periphery became the core of the world economy. Now, the economies that became 
the periphery are re-emerging as the core. This is transforming the entire 
world. What this means for us all will be the subject of next week’s column.


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