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Whether a plagiarist or no, how 'bout we see no more imperialism before start 
talking about its death? 
Any "analysis" that tries to turn the imperialist chicken into a duck and that 
chicken's spawn into duck eggs is either plainly ignorant or a class 
collaborationist; in principle or in incipience.

sorry for the cantankerousness, but after a week of listening to union members 
convince themselves that becoming fragmented provides some "new opportunity" 
for "growth", I have lost all patience with people who speak out of both sides 
of their mouths spouting nonsense on one side and subservience to imperialist 
masters on the other. 

Oh, and (not so) incidentally, I find it exceedingly frustrating that as a 
list, everyone is willing to "educate" ourselves and proposing really excellent 
ideas for the unification of the Left and then just leaving it at that. . .what 
is the point of proposing great ideas and not acting upon them?

Wolf says: "In the past few centuries, what was once the European and then 
> > periphery became the core of the world economy. Now, the economies that
> > became the periphery are re-emerging as the core. This is transforming the
> > entire world. What this means for us all will be the subject of next
> > week’s column."
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