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Yeah but, "witch-hunt"? against whom, the likes of Sarah Palin?  maybe I'm
missing something here, but this could be interpreted as a salvo against
"politically correct" leftists we see launched against progressives in
academia from time to time regarding their "New McCarthyism" that came up
say when Lawrence Summers was forced out of Harvard.  Leaving that aside,
and even if progressives did get carried away in the heat of the moment,
it's hard to view the Tea Party types and their advocates as victims of
their political opponents in this context given the volume and weight of
malicious crap they spew out on a daily basis:  Obama as Hitler, remember
that one?  I wouldn't wring my hands about these guys too much.  If anything
liberals and the left have been too timid, a typical response that puts them
in the role of a bunch of chumps and losers, further embolding the right
wing.  I think Trotsky outlined these dynamics in "Fascism: What it is and
How to Fight it" and "Their Morals and Ours": instead of moralistic hand
wringing the left needs to get tough back with these reactionaries.
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