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Hi Dan

Thankfully I don't moderate this list but given the nature of the situation
I think it is silly to worry about the limit on posts.  that rule exists for
a different situation.  We are discussing a revolution after all.

Now on the Islamist support thing, my gut feeling is, and it is only that
and no more, that they will gather more support than either you or I would
want Dan.

But all these questions will be resolved soon, comrade.

What I have learned or re-learned from the Tunisian uprising is that no one
ever has or will predict a revolution.  Empiricists make their check lists
and tick off the boxes but reality is layered and boxes may exist that we do
not even know about.

Besides consciousness is a strange phenomenon.  Take the wilileaks memo on
Ben Ali.  It revealed government corruption. Was there anyone in Tunisia who
did not know that?  But what the memo also revealed was nature of the
relationship between the USA and the ruling clique - the relationship of
master and client. Again I doubt if there was anyone who was not aware of
that.  However it is the revelation of the humiliation intrinsic to such a
relationship that is explosive IMHO. Precisely because the revelation is an
enactment of the humiliation.

Even in Australia the wikileaks revelation that members of the government
were spies for the Americans caused some embarrassment.

So where to now?  there is obviously a scramble by France and the USA to
stabilise the situation.  Here Trotsky's remark that three revolutions had
taught him patience is relevant. We may hit a period of stability but it
will not last.  On the other hand the Israelis may launch an attack on
Hezbollah and all bets will be off. It is not the right time for such an
attack but the plot involving the Hariri tribunal is so advanced that it may
not be stoppable.

Besides there is something pathologically avaricious about the Zionist
project that guarantees its own self-destruction.


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