In a message dated 12/28/2010 5:14:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

"....The entire world, all of humanity, can be elevated to live a life of  
luxury with robots doing all the industrial labor. With menial labor taken 
care  of, education and creative endeavors would become paramount, freeing 
humanity to  develop its greatest faculty: the human mind. This social reform 
into a utopian  state is only possible with the proper implementation of 
robots. It should be  the goal of every able minded individual to curve the 
world towards this robot  revolution. Even before robotic technology reaches 
economic viability social  reform is needed to insure that people know the 
benefits of robotic  industrialization. This is a call for humanity to advance, 
just as we've  advanced from caves to homes, as we've risen out of 
feudalism and forged  Democracy, as we've gone from manpower to horse power to 
machine power. It is  time for a new age, the culmination of everything learned 
and done before it,  and the end of human labor. Oppression, inequity, war, 
poverty, these can be  things of the past with the proper implementation of 
robotic industrialization.  The full realization of humanity is upon us, it 
is time to advance! " 
Interesting site. 
Since mass production of "Entering An Epoch of Social Revolution" in  
1991/93, the issue of the revolution in the means of production ("communist  
robots") has been presented as the social consequence of a qualitatively new  
technology regime applied to all areas of social production. 
Capital's drive for maximum profits has led to the introduction of a  
revolutionary new means of production, thus opening up an era of social  
revolution. Previous technological advances were labor-saving. From 
earliest beginnings in the textile factories of England to its domination of 
the  global society, each advance in the industrial revolution uprooted the 
old mode  of production and grew the industrial working class world wide as 
serfs were  converted into modern proletarians. 
Although the path of the industrial revolution was marked by horrible  
cyclical economic crisis and imperial wars of plunder, earth completed its  
historic transition from agrarian based society to machine based society and a  
working class - industrial proletariat, arose conforming to the new 
technology  regime. Hundreds of million were brought into the industrial 
of  commodities. 
This is not the case today with the new revolution in the means of  
production. Electronic technology in production replaces labor and detaches 
increasing layers of the old industrial working class as activity  
producer/consumers in the new economy. Computerized production and advanced  
lowers labor costs by replacing human labor with robots and with  computer 
technology that controls and operates machinery. During the curve of  the 
industrial revolution labor was augmented by machinery and the automaton  
(automatic machine or automation) and the agricultural worker was converted 
an industrial worker. 
Without increasingly less labor costs to the capitalists, robots on the  
assembly line work more efficiently than workers, and computer-operated tool 
and  die makers are faster and more accurate than skilled mechanists. Labor 
is being  eliminated from production, and thus the source of value and 
surplus value is  being eliminated. 
We are experiencing the first world wide crisis of capital, universally  
recognized as a "jobless recovery." 
These revolutionary new means of production not only does not grow the  
working class but cause an  irreparable breach in the process of  buying and 
selling that is essential to bourgeois commodity production -  capitalism. 
Robots and computer-operated machinery aren't paid wages and don't  buy 
anything; they produce but they don't consume. And, workers replaced by  these 
means of production don't have paychecks. The nexus of the  producer/consumer 
wage earner is being burst asunder. When workers are unable  to buy, the 
capitalist is unable to realize a profit. The overall impact of the  new 
technology is to drive the rate of surplus value down to zero. 
As electronics eliminates human labor, it destroys the source of all value, 
 and thus ends a system of production and distribution based on the 
exploitation  of human labor power. Zero rate of profit and zero value of human 
labor power is  the trajectory marking the end of the capitalist system of 
production and  distribution, and thus the end of the "value producing system" 
as the means for  determining what is produced and consumed. 
Capitalism - bourgeois commodity production has come to its historic end.  
Something new is struggling to be born. Only people can determine whether 
that  abundance made possible by a new technology will be owned by a handful 
of  capitalists, or by, and for, the good of the community as a whole. 

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