"You earnestly believe me to side with the political fascist? 
Is this not way over the top? "


I don't know, I hope not.  But how can anybody be  so certain as to say:  "The 
workers who keep their jobs can only protect that toehold against 
disaster by inevitably moving closer to the ruling class, while a larger
 section will be cast adrift"?    MOVING CLOSER TO THE RULING CLASS, 

The phrase says "workers who KEEP THEIR JOBS" as opposed to those "CAST 
ADRIFT".  That's a political  schism as well as economic one.  Then you say 
that the workers in the Detroit auto plants were a racist lot.  I say that you 
are most certainly correct that RACE was indeed an issue in Detroit in the 
early 1900's and mid 1940's,  and that the two races wanted to kill each 
other.  In NYC races are still killing each other, and whites are not even 
involved, unless they be the Police.  In fact some races kill their own 
regularly [gang wars and the like].  You see, the class struggle is about 

But you forgot to mention, or perhaps you're not familiar with,  the Detroit 
1919 strikes,  that it was disrupted, partly, by "Negro" strikebreakers, that 
even Widick, the author of the book DETROIT: CITY OF RACE AND CLASS VIOLENCE 
comments: "and this had not been forgotten [by the white workers];   it had 
been one cause of the disastrous race riots in the post - World War I period." 

The white workers in Detroit battled the capitalist quite heroically during 
this period mentioned above, and even fought for and won the CIO.  Black 
workers eventually joined the ranks, after much struggle, that is.  Struggle is 
primary in contradictions.  If one race of workers, want to kill another race 
of workers, which side are you on?  Understanding that both races will fight 
behemouthly, if you will, against capital.  You'd probably choose your own 
race.  That's why the color factor can be such a problem.  

The KKK leading the 200,000 or more white workers, migrating from Virginia to 
Detroit,  were defeated by class conscious white workers themselves, and we all 
understand that's the way it must be, and that workers must place race second 
to class, although race issues still remain and sometimes do play a dominant 
role.  Now, to pin one race of workers against another race is bad, but to pin 
a working section of the class against a non working one, is worst.  And that's 
what I believe is the problem here, that can serve as a breeding ground for 
fascism.  The LRNA seems to have gotten that perception right.



--- On Fri, 12/31/10, waistli...@aol.com <waistli...@aol.com> wrote:

From: waistli...@aol.com <waistli...@aol.com>
Subject: Re: [MLL] Know Your Enemy, Know Yourself
To: marxist-leninist-list@lists.econ.utah.edu
Date: Friday, December 31, 2010, 4:07 PM

In a message dated 12/31/2010 12:22:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_frankied...@yahoo.com_ (mailto:frankied...@yahoo.com)  writes: 
That's right mister..... "communists" like you.   No slip of the  tongue.  
There will be, in this revolution too,  "workers" who will  side with 
fascism, just the same, and you fit the picture.   No need  to be stuck in the 
past.  The "future is up to you". The communist  international blamed the 
social democrats for their role within the working  class  during the onslaught 
of fascism. 
Wow, a million times to you, ostracizer of the revolutionary working class. 
You earnestly believe me to side with the political fascist? 
Is this not way over the top? 

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