In a message dated 12/31/2010 5:55:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_intangib...@aphenomenal.com_ (   writes: 
The point WL misses is that there have indeed been, are and will be  
"communists" who split the class under the guise of claiming to unite it 
the main/common enemy. U.S. labour history is particularly rife with 
examples  --- if only because the bourgeois-individualist entrepreneurial 
runs  rampant in U.S. society and someone is always ready to launch yet 
another  left-wing "enterprise" within the workers' movement. ("Can you say:  
So meanwhile the question is: has globalisation and advanced robotics  
enabled the capitaslists and their monopolies and cartels to overcome the  
operation of the Law of Value? On the evidence of what has happened in the  
global economy for the last two years, evidently not at all.
You are correct. I missed the point, thinking the response to the article  “
Know Thy Self” had something to do with the article itself. In fact I had 
no  idea what was being referred to was the old National Caucus of Labor 
Committee,  who we had one – and only one, run in with. Nor, did it occur to me 
what was  being referenced was the history of the American communist 
movement; the  evolution of the labor aristocracy and/or labor lieutenants of 
capitalist class and then the role of men such as Foster and  Browder. It 
never occurred to me the author I responded actually meant the  history of the 
Thanks for the "heads up." 
Ours is NOT the era of Lenin. 
The era of Lenin contains a feudal political backdrop and a completely  
different form of imperialism based on the closed colonial system or imperial  
blocks. Then the October Revolution ushered in what was called the general  
crisis of capital. 
If you feel that LRNA or I have written that cartels can overcome the law  
of value please present the statement so at least I can correct myself. The 
law  of value means the exchange of commodities equivalents based on the 
socially  necessary amount of labor in them.  
The revolution in the means of production is advanced enough as to render  
debate concerning the existence of “this revolution” pedestrian. The  
accelerating destruction of value or the value relations does not mean no value 
production is taking place on earth. At this stage of the social process the 
new  era we are in is being characterized as the “jobless recovery.”   

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